An Accurate 3D Digital Model

An accurate and highly detailed 3D digital model is required to achieve the results that you expect from your machine control system. This typically requires much more than simply converting a design file and loading it into your system. Let us construct your project as a 3D digital model that will help you clarify details and identify discrepancies before moving your first load of dirt.  We deliver our models to you in a format that will load directly into your display boxes and rovers. We can provide machine control design files for Trimble and Topcon systems.

We approach all of our projects as an exercise in "reverse engineering". This means that we build all of our machine control models from scratch. We view each and every project from your perspective. Our models include all the linework and breaklines necessary for accurate grading, paving and stakeout operations. With over twenty years of construction surveying experience, we are familiar with the issues frequently encountered by site contractors. By allowing us to prepare your machine control files, you can be confident that you're starting on the right road to a successful project.